2D Labs

2D Labs

Painting & Drawing,

Painting & Drawing Labs

All 2D courses are offered in well-ventilated classroom and lab facilities where personal and environmental safety is emphasized. Non-toxic and less hazardous substitutions for traditional toxic solvents, pigments and grounds are used wherever possible.

Painting courses are primarily held in one of two large painting labs with tall clerestory windows providing abundant north light. A small room used for critiques and projections connects both rooms. Additional well-equipped classrooms support courses in drawing, combined media and watercolor.

All painting and drawing studios are wireless and have access to digital/slide projectors.


Printmaking Lab

The spacious printmaking facilities support work in Intaglio, Lithography, Relief, Screen Print, and a variety of alternative processes including photographic and digital processes, bookmaking, solar plates, polyester plates, polymer plates and monoprinting.

Printmakers use completely hazard-free cleaning methods, and less hazardous processing methods wherever possible.



  • Takach Litho press, bed size 5′ x 2.5′
  • Takach Litho press, bed size 5′ x 2.75′
  • Litho press, bed size 3′ x 2′
  • Large Ltitho Graining sink
  • Numerous stones

Intaglio / Relief

  • 2 Etching Presses
  • Takach etching press, bed size 6′ x 3.25′ (intaglio and relief)
  • Branch etching Press, bed size 4′ x 2.25′ (intaglio only)
  • Zinc only Acid Bath 32″ x 27″
  • Large spray aquatint booth as well as traditional rosin box
  • Plate cutter 3′ blade

Screen Printing


General Equipment

  • Nuarc Flip Top Plate Maker, exposureglass 3.75′ x 3′
  • Polymer Platemaker: Orbital X plate processor for water-wash plates up to 12″x 18″

Graduate Print Lab

In addition, a 1000 square foot space equipped with a large Takach litho press and Large Takach floor press is reserved exclusively for printmaking graduate student use.

Visit the 2D Studies Academic Programs page for course information.

Academic Program Info
Half Off Special

Half Off Special

Wilbur Dallas Fremont
Tailgate Party

Tailgate Party

Roger Masterson
Floral Arrangement

Floral Arrangement

Janessa Southerland
What Do You See?

What Do You See?

Utvista Galiante
I fell down some stairs

I fell down some stairs

Lyle Emmerson Jr.