Advisory Board
The School of Art Advisory Board is a group of enthusiastic and dedicated Friends of the Arts, representing a cross section of the Tucson community. These individuals apply their life experiences and their work expertise to promoting the school, faculty and students.
It’s their mission to cultivate relationships with the community, to raise funds by offering a variety of events featuring the strength of the school, and thereby enhance public awareness of the School of Art and its programs. Call 520-621-1251 to get a calendar of events or for further information.

Active Members:
Julia Arriola
Jan Cicero
Ginia Desmond
Scott Duerstock
Moira Geoffrion, Chair
Liz Hernandez
Margaret Kordsiemon
Mary Okoye, Vice-Chair
Peter Pappas
Eva “Evie” Stefenson-Marquart, Recording Secretary
Cita Scott
Associate Members:
Lee Herbst
JoAnne Hungate
Fran McNeely
Frances Moore
Kay Ransdell
Honorary Members:
Joyce Broan
Susan Kornhaber