Illustration, Design and Animation

For students in the Illustration, Design and Animation (IDA) program, passion is their purpose, limited only by what they choose to make of it. The program encompasses a diverse faculty with expertise in graphic design, illustration, letterpress, book arts, visual narratives, animation, motion graphics, information design and interdisciplinary collaborations with the environmental sciences. Students develop a portfolio of work that conveys meaning and supports visual problem solving in the following degree programs:

  • Bachelor of Fine Arts in Studio Art (IDA Emphasis)
  • Master of Fine Arts in Studio Art (IDA Emphasis)

You’ll be immersed within a creative, no-holds-barred world in which the historical roots of the field are acknowledged while modern possibilities and mediums are pursued through a broad array of curricular offerings, including field trips, team projects with community clients, internships and study abroad programs. With a high quality portfolio and web presence, students are prepared to go directly into the field and/or apply to graduate programs.

Illustration, Design and Animation
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Resources and Facilities

The School of Art houses excellent facilities including studio spaces, computer labs with Wacom Cintiq Touch screens and animation stations, a digital imaging lab with large format printing, mounting and other services, letterpress equipment, photopolymer platemaking equipment, metal and wood type collections, binding equipment, darkrooms, wood and metal shops, sculpture foundry and ceramics labs.

External resources include the Center for Creative Photography, the University of Arizona Museum of Art and the Poetry Center as well as an excellent main library that houses an extensive book art collection. The campus also houses the Learning Games Initiative Research Archive and the extensive Children’s Literature Collection.

View Our IDA Facilities


Our faculty gives students an inside look into arts careers, having had direct experience and success in the professional art world. In addition to being leaders in their fields, our faculty works closely with students to provide the kind of guidance and mentorship that turns raw talent into developed professionalism.

Nicole Antebi

Nicole Antebi

Assistant Professor
Pooja Venkatachalam Kumar

Pooja Venkatachalam Kumar

Assistant Professor of Practice

Pooja Venkatachalam Kumar

My Profile
Kelly Leslie

Kelly Leslie

Jenn Liv

Jenn Liv

Assistant Professor
Ellen McMahon

Ellen McMahon

Associate Dean / Professor
Lisa Angeles Watanabe

Lisa Angeles Watanabe

Assistant Professor of Practice

Lisa Angeles Watanabe

Karen Zimmermann

Karen Zimmermann

Associate Director / Professor

Karen Zimmermann

My Profile
Erika Johnston

Erika Johnston

Instructor, Art


BFA STUDIO ART | Illustration, Design & Animation Emphasis


125 units are required to complete the Bachelor of Fine Arts in Studio Art with an emphasis in Illustration, Design and Animation (IDA), 42 units of which must be upper division coursework. Students must complete 24 units of upper division coursework in IDA.

Download the BFA Studio Art/IDA checklist for detailed information.

Your portfolio will be reviewed during the Spring Portfolio Review for acceptance into the program.

Specific Program Requirements also can be viewed through UA Academic Catalogs.

Contact an academic advisor or set up an advising appointment to learn more about School of Art programs and admissions.


  • ART and ARH (Art History) and ARE (Art Education)
MFA STUDIO ART | Illustration, Design & Animation

Within the Masters of Fine Arts in Studio Art program in Illustration, Design and Animation (IDA), graduate students participate in interdisciplinary, graphic design, illustration and animation courses; seminars, and independent studies developing a body of self-authored work that contributes to the broad and expanding field of illustration, design and art. Focused studio and course structures explore the theory, philosophy, and making of contemporary illustration, design and animation. The program provides a range of opportunities for focus in visual narratives, community engagement, social practice, environmental projects, and technology, with a firm grounding in contemporary and historical contexts.

The School of Art and IDA regularly host internationally known artists, designers, illustrators and alumni to participate with the graduate students in workshops and studio critiques.

The IDA faculty represent diverse and innovative practices in design, illustration, book arts, motion graphics, info-graphics art, and interdisciplinary collaborations with the social and natural sciences, which are reflected in a broad array of curricular actives and opportunities.

During their course of study students have the opportunity to work with faculty throughout the School of Art and university to develop their ideas and practice for functional or expressive work developing their visual vocabulary and problem solving methods in studio practices that will continue in their professional career.

Teaching opportunities at the foundations level and in the 200-level within the program are available for students wishing to develop pedagogical approaches and gain teaching experience.

The School of Art houses excellent facilities including studio spaces, computer labs with Wacom Cintiq Touch screens and animation stations, a digital imaging lab with large format printing, mounting and other services, letterpress equipment, photopolymer platemaking equipment, metal and wood type collections, binding equipment, darkrooms, wood and metal shops, sculpture foundry, ceramics labs, and external resources such as: the Center for Creative Photography, the University Museum of Art and the Poetry Center as well as an excellent library that houses an extensive book art collection. The campus also houses the Learning Games Initiative Research Archive and the extensive Children’s Literature Collection.


60 units are required to complete the Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in Studio Art degree.

Please see the Studio Art Graduate Handbook on the Graduate Advising page for specific program requirements.


  • ART and ARH (Art History) and ARE (Art Education)

Annual Portfolio Review

Through a portfolio review each spring, the school will accept 36 to 40 students into a combined Illustration, Design and Animation Program.

Portfolio Review Info

First Year Experience

All Studio Art majors at the School of Art will begin their journey with the First Year Experience. The program is an engaging variety of 8-week thematic workshop-structured art courses, designed as an experiential initiation into professional artistic practice, creative methodology and studio work ethic.

Learn More

Clubs, Professional Opportunities & Outreach

American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA) student chapter
Visit the AIGA website

Book Art Collective
Visit us on Facebook

UA Illustration + Design News
Visit us on Facebook

Persona Magazine
Visit us on Facebook

College Book Arts Association
Visit the website

Student Work

Click here to view some of our students’ animation work, and see other IDA examples below.

Cami Hagen - The Traveling Day
Cami Hagen – The Traveling Day
Alan Castillo - The Digitally Detached Attention Span (Image)
Alan Castillo – The Digitally Detached Attention Span (Image)
Savannah Koskiniemi - Anatomy of Type
Savannah Koskiniemi – Anatomy of Type
Shiloh Cosby - After School
Shiloh Cosby – After School
Gracie Rhyne - The Devil
Gracie Rhyne – The Devil
Kayla Bradshaw - Escape to Chancescape
Kayla Bradshaw – Escape to Chancescape
Hailey Jo Smith - Untitled (Notice)
Hailey Jo Smith – Untitled (Notice)
Sabrina Enriquez - Cara Clara
Sabrina Enriquez – Cara Clara
Isabella DeFine - Hmmm Something Is Wrong
Isabella DeFine – Hmmm Something Is Wrong
John Konrad - oh! my god!
John Konrad – oh! my god!
Dietz - Huey
Dietz – Huey
Laura Rincon - Museo del Oro
Laura Rincon – Museo del Oro
Nina Garcia - Our Doing
Nina Garcia – Our Doing
Keelie Jones - Blood Lust Tarot:  The Star
Keelie Jones – Blood Lust Tarot: The Star
John Konrad - Self Portrait (After Crumb)
John Konrad – Self Portrait (After Crumb)
Isabella DeFine - Saphi Character Turn Around
Isabella DeFine – Saphi Character Turn Around
Madison Evans - Idaho Potato branding pg2
Madison Evans – Idaho Potato branding pg2
Jasmine Ma - Medusa
Jasmine Ma – Medusa
Hannah Providence - Canyon Moon
Hannah Providence – Canyon Moon
Sophia Patch - Lonely
Sophia Patch – Lonely

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