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Ready to join our community of dedicated artists, educators and scholars? Please explore below to find admissions information, application process and more information about the program, or contact an academic advisor or set up an advising appointment to learn more about the programs and admissions.

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UNDERGRADUATE | Prospective Students

Step 1: Apply to the University of Arizona

  • No secondary application to the School of Art is required for admission to the Bachelor of Arts (BA) programs in Art History, Design: Arts & Practices or Studio Art. Applicants to these programs simply apply to the University of Arizona and indicate the appropriate major during the application process.

Step 2: Apply to the College of Fine Arts

  • Admission to the Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) programs requires a two-step process. After completing your main University of Arizona application, you must also submit a separate application to the College of Fine Arts professional program to which you are applying in the School of Art. Complete your Supplemental Application in your Future Wildcat page.


Incoming Freshman
Spring admission: The deadline is November 1
Fall admission: The deadline is May 1

Incoming Transfer Students
Spring admission: The deadline is December 1
Fall admission: The deadline is  July 3


Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA)Art and Visual Culture Education
Concentration in Teaching K-12 or Community/Museums

  • College of Fine Arts application
  • Statement of Intent (see guidelines below)
  • 500-Word Essay addressing, What do you see as the role(s) of art and art education within contemporary society?

Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA)Studio Art
Concentration in 2D Studies, 3D & Extended Media Studies, Photography, Video and Imaging, or Illustration + Design*

  • College of Fine Arts application
  • Supplemental Information – Awards, Honors, and other experiences in art
  • Portfolio containing eight original examples of your studio work (see guidelines below)

* Pre-Illustration + Design students are required to pass a secondary portfolio review after completing the First Year Experience foundations sequence. Major GPA of 3.0 is required upon admittance.


Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA)Art Education
Statement of Intent

  • Provide a brief history of your interest in and involvement with art.
  • Clarify why you want to enter the BFA degree program.
  • Explain your long-term career goals.

Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA)Studio Art

  • Provide eight images of your original studio work
  • JPEG image file size: 72 pixels per inch (ppi), 800 pixels for longest dimension


Technical Proficiency / Craftsmanship

  • Effectiveness of individual project fabrication as evidenced by:
    • Creative and innovative technical problem solving
    • Mastery of techniques and formal elements employed (composition, line, value, etc.)

Student investment in and thoughtfulness of subject-matter/idea as evidenced by:

  • Creative and innovative intellectual problem solving
  • Ability of finished work to communicate chosen subject matter
  • Evidence of critical thinking / conceptual exploration


  • Degree to which documentation clearly and qualitatively displays work

Creativity / Inventiveness

  • Some of the projects indicate a motivation to generate work outside of assigned projects
  • Projects clearly generated for assignments push beyond formulaic responses
UNDERGRADUATE | Current UA Students

You must have a minimum cumulative UA GPA of 2.0 to be eligible to declare a major in the School of Art.

BA (Bachelor of Arts) degree programs in the School of Art (BA in Art History, BA in Studio Art, BA Design Arts and Practices) DO NOT require an application. Please make an appointment with an advisor in the School of Art Advising Center if you wish to declare one of these programs. [Advisors are NOT available for major declaration during the priority registration periods – October/November and March/April.]

BFA (Bachelor of Fine Arts) degree programs in the School of Art (BFA in Art Education, BFA in Studio Art) require an application, as listed below. Completed applications will be reviewed by School of Art faculty, on a rolling basis throughout the year. It generally takes 1-2 weeks to receive a decision once your application has been submitted. Accepted students will receive an email with further instructions, and must meet with the appropriate Art advisor to declare the major. [Advisors are NOT available for major declaration during the priority registration periods – October/November and March/April.]


Bachelor of Fine ArtsArt Education
Concentration in Teaching K-12, or Community/Museum Outreach

  • College of Fine Arts application
  • Statement of Intent
  • 500-Word Essay addressing “What do you see as the role(s) of art and art education within contemporary society?”

Bachelor of Fine ArtsStudio Art
Concentration in 2D, 3DXM, Photography Video and Imaging, or Pre-lllustration Design and Animation

  • College of Fine Arts application
  • Provide eight images of your original studio work
  • JPEG image file size: 72 pixels per inch (ppi), 800 pixels for longest dimension


Technical Proficiency / Craftsmanship
Effectiveness of individual project fabrication as evidenced by:

  • Creative and innovative technical problem solving
  • Mastery of techniques and formal elements employed (composition, line, value, etc.)

Student’s investment in and thoughtfulness of subject-matter/idea as evidenced by:

  • Creative and innovative intellectual problem solving
  • Ability of finished work to communicate chosen subject matter
  • Evidence of critical thinking / conceptual exploration


  • Degree to which documentation clearly and qualitatively displays work

Creativity / Inventiveness

  • Some of the projects indicate a motivation to generate work outside of assigned projects
  • Projects clearly generated for assignments push beyond formulaic responses

Contact an academic advisor or set up an advising appointment to learn more about programs and admissions.



Spring – September 15
Fall – March 15

All submitted applications will be considered after the application deadline has passed. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed and will be automatically denied. Paper applications will not be accepted, please submit all materials via the Graduate Admissions Application.


  • Current University of Arizona undergraduate student in the BA in Art History; BA in Studio Art
  • Completion of at least 1 400 level Art History course.
  • Meet with Dr. Stacie Widdifield, the Art History Graduate Faculty advisor, to discuss your interest in the Accelerated Master’s Program.
  • Completion of a minimum of 75 undergraduate credit hours will be required at the time of application; a minimum of 90 undergraduate credit hours will be required at the time of entry into the AMP. If the student’s GPA falls below 3.3 at the time they have completed 90 units, the student will not be admitted into the program. Courses taken for audit may not be included in the total number of units counted for eligibility or admission.
  • A minimum cumulative GPA of 3.3 on a minimum of 12 units of undergraduate UA.
  • Completion of at least 12 earned undergraduate credits in their major at the University of Arizona’s main campus. Units still graded Incomplete, units graded Pass/Fail or units taken as audit will not count toward the requirement of the 12 undergraduate units.
  • By the end of the semester of application (spring of year 3), the applicant must have completed all General Education requirements.
  • Demonstration of the maturity necessary for success in an accelerated, highly competitive program.
  • Expectation to complete the undergraduate degree within four years. The undergraduate degree requirements must be completed before the student is eligible to have the Master’s degree awarded.
  • Strongly recommended that the applicant must have completed 2 years of coursework in one foreign language (or the equivalent) by the end of year 3. By the end of year 5, AMP candidates must fulfill the language proficiency exam as defined by the Art History Graduate handbook (this is a translation exam).


Through the Graduate Admissions Application you will have the ability to upload various requirements for consideration by the admission committee. For this application you will be asked to submit the following:

  • Have you met with the Art History Graduate Faculty Advisor?
  • Please provide a Statement of Purpose
  • Please list the 400 level Art History course you have completed.
  • Please combine the following items into a single document (maximum file size: 5 MB) in the order shown below:
    • Resume/Curriculum Vitae
    • Writing or Research Sample. Maximum of 10 pages.
  • Transcripts from all previous colleges and universities attended. For initial evaluation purposes, you may attach scans of official or unofficial transcripts.
  • The names and contact information for three referees who will be submitting Letters of Recommendation on your behalf. Two letters of recommendation must be from Tenured or Tenure-Track Art History faculty (Dr. Larry Busbea, Dr. Paul Ivey, Dr. Jeehey Kim, Dr. Sarah Moore, Dr. Irene Romano, Dr. Jennifer Saracino or Dr. Stacie Widdifield). A minimum of one, preferably two, of the letters from Art History faculty should be from someone with whom you’ve taken a 400 Art History course. The third letter of recommendation can be from a tenured or tenure-track Art History faculty member, or a University of Arizona faculty member from another academic area (for example, History, Classics, Gender and Women’s Studies, Anthropology, etc.) with whom you’ve taken a 400 level course.All letters must be received by the application deadline. The preferred method to receive letters of recommendation is through the web-based Graduate Admissions Application. If, however, this is not possible, letters can be sent to:
    Graduate Program
    School of Art
    University of Arizona
    P.O. Box 210002
    Tucson, AZ 85721

If you have specific questions, please contact

Once your application has been submitted, you may check the status of your application at anytime by logging in to the Graduate Admissions Application. You will be notified via email as soon as a decision has been reached.


MASTER OF ARTS | Art History


Spring – September 15

Fall – Priority Deadline: January 10
Fall – Final Deadline: March 15

Students who submit their applications by the priority deadline will have priority consideration for financial assistance from the School of Art.

Applications received on or before each deadline will constitute a competitive pool, and will be reviewed by faculty shortly after the deadline has passed.

All submitted applications will be considered after the application deadline has passed. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed and will be automatically denied. Paper applications will not be accepted, please submit all materials via the Graduate Admissions Application.


Applicants must have a recognized bachelor degree, and have a minimum 3.0 grade point average. In addition, applicants should have taken at least four upper division Art History courses (12 units). While students may be admitted without these courses, they will be required to complete any deficiencies before graduate courses count toward the Master Degree.


Through the Graduate Admissions Application you will have the ability to upload various requirements for consideration by the admission committee. For this application you will be asked to submit the following:

  • Please provide a Statement of Purpose
  • Please combine the following items into a single document (maximum file size: 5 MB) in the order shown below:
    • Resume/Curriculum Vitae
    • Writing or Research Sample. Maximum of 10 pages.
  • Transcripts from all previous colleges and universities attended. For initial evaluation purposes, you may attach scans of official or unofficial transcripts.
  • The names and contact information for three referees who will be submitting Letters of Recommendation on your behalf. All letters of recommendation must be received by the application deadline and must be from faculty members that can speak about your academic and research ability and potential for graduate studies. The preferred method to receive letters of recommendation is through the web-based Graduate Admissions Application. If, however, this is not possible, letters can be sent to:
    • Graduate Program
      School of Art
      University of Arizona
      P.O. Box 210002
      Tucson, AZ 85721

The Graduate College requires additional materials for International Applicants (Proof of Financial Resources, Health Insurance, and proof of English proficiency for students whose native language is not English). Please refer to the Graduate College website for details

If you have specific questions, please contact

Once your application has been submitted, you may check the status of your application at anytime by logging in to the Graduate Admissions Application. You will be notified via email as soon as a decision has been reached.


ACCELERATED MASTER OF ARTS | Art and Visual Culture Education


Spring – September 15
Fall – March 15

All submitted applications will be considered after the application deadline has passed. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed and will be automatically denied. Paper applications will not be accepted, please submit all materials via the Graduate Admissions Application.


  • Current University of Arizona undergraduate student in the BFA, Art Education; BFA, Studio Art; BA, Studio Art; BA Art History
  • Completion of a minimum of 75 undergraduate credit hours will be required at the time of application; a minimum of 90 undergraduate credit hours will be required at the time of entry into the AMP. If the student’s GPA falls below 3.3 at the time they have completed 90 units, the student will not be admitted into the program. Courses taken for audit may not be included in the total number of units counted for eligibility or admission.
  • A minimum cumulative GPA of 3.3 with a minimum of 18 units of undergraduate coursework at UA.
  • Completion of at least 12 earned undergraduate credits in the major (ART, ARH, ARE) at the University of Arizona’s main campus. Units still graded Incomplete, units graded Pass/Fail or units taken as audit will not count toward the requirement of the 12 undergraduate units.
  • Completion or near completion of general education requirements.
  • Demonstration of the maturity necessary for success in an accelerated, highly competitive program.
  • Expectation to complete the undergraduate degree within four years. The undergraduate degree requirements must be completed before the student is eligible to have the Master’s degree awarded.


Through the Graduate Admissions Application you will have the ability to upload various requirements for consideration by the admission committee. For this application you will be asked to submit the following:

  • Describe your Art Education interests in a few sentences
  • Please provide a 1-2 page Autobiographical Statement addressing your educational and personal experiences, achievements, and goals relevant to art and visual culture education.
  • Please combine the following items into a single document (maximum file size: 5 MB) in the order shown below:
    • Resume/Curriculum Vitae
    • Writing or Research Sample. Maximum of 10 pages.
  • If you have a studio background, submit a PDF with 10-20 images, one image per page and provide the title, medium, dimensions and date under each image. Please click here and review our sample portfolio. If you are submitting video, provide a link to a website like Vimeo or YouTube. Size limit 5MB.
  • Transcripts from all previous colleges and universities attended. For initial evaluation purposes, you may attach scans of official or unofficial transcripts.
  • The names and contact information for 3 referees who will be submitting Letters of Recommendation on your behalf. All letters of recommendation must be received by the application deadline and at least 2 letters must be from faculty members that can speak about your academic and research ability and potential for graduate studies. The preferred method to receive letters of recommendation is through the web-based Graduate Admissions Application. If, however, this is not possible, letters can be sent to:
    • Graduate Program
      School of Art
      University of Arizona
      P.O. Box 210002
      Tucson, AZ 85721

If you have specific questions, please contact

Once your application has been submitted, you may check the status of your application at any time by logging in to the Graduate Admissions Application. You will be notified via email as soon as a decision has been reached.


MASTER OF ARTS | Art and Visual Culture Education


Spring – September 15

Fall – Priority Deadline: January 10
Fall – Final Deadline: March 15

Students who submit their applications by the priority deadline will have priority consideration for financial assistance from the School of Art.

Applications received on or before each deadline will constitute a competitive pool, and will be reviewed by faculty shortly after the deadline has passed.

All submitted applications will be considered after the application deadline has passed. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed and will be automatically denied. Paper applications will not be accepted, please submit all materials via the Graduate Admissions Application.


Applicants must have a minimum 3.0 grade point average. In addition, applicants must have a recognized bachelor degree in either Art Education, Studio Art, Art History, or Education. If your degree is in another area, please contact an Art and Visual Culture Education faculty member to discuss your application. While students may be admitted without a degree in Art Education, Studio Art, Art History, or Education, they may be required to complete coursework deficiencies either before graduate courses or concurrent with graduate enrollment that will not count toward the Master Degree.


Through the Graduate Admissions Application you will have the ability to upload various requirements for consideration by the admission committee. For this application you will be asked to submit the following:

  • Describe your Art Education interests in a few sentences
  • Please provide a 1-2 page Autobiographical Statement addressing your educational and personal experiences, achievements, and goals relevant to art and visual culture education.
  • Please combine the following items into a single document (maximum file size: 5 MB) in the order shown below:
    • Resume/Curriculum Vitae
    • Writing or Research Sample. Maximum of 10 pages.
  • If you have a studio background, submit a PDF with 10-20 images, one image per page and provide the title, medium, dimensions and date under each image. Please click here and review our sample portfolio. If you are submitting video, provide a link to a website like Vimeo or YouTube. Size limit 5MB.
  • Transcripts from all previous colleges and universities attended. For initial evaluation purposes, you may attach scans of official or unofficial transcripts.
  • The names and contact information for 3 referees who will be submitting Letters of Recommendation on your behalf. All letters of recommendation must be received by the application deadline and at least 2 letters must be from faculty members that can speak about your academic and research ability and potential for graduate studies. The preferred method to receive letters of recommendation is through the web-based Graduate Admissions Application. If, however, this is not possible, letters can be sent to:
    • Graduate Program
      School of Art
      University of Arizona
      P.O. Box 210002
      Tucson, AZ 85721

The Graduate College requires additional materials for International Applicants (Proof of Financial Resources, Health Insurance, and proof of English proficiency for students whose native language is not English). Please refer to the Graduate College website for details.

If you have specific questions, please contact

Once your application has been submitted, you may check the status of your application at any time by logging in to the Graduate Admissions Application. You will be notified via email as soon as a decision has been reached.

View the Programs of Study page to explore the degree programs offered at the University of Arizona.




Fall Only — January 10

All submitted applications will be considered after the application deadline has passed. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed and will be automatically denied. Paper applications will not be accepted, please submit all materials via the Graduate Admissions Application.


Applicants must have a recognized bachelor degree and a minimum 3.0 grade point average.


Through the Graduate Admissions Application you will have the ability to upload various requirements for consideration by the admission committee. For this application you will be asked to submit the following:

  • Please provide a Statement of Purpose
  • Select the track you would like to apply for:
    • 2D
    • 3D & Extended Media
    • Illustration, Design, and Animation
    • Interdisciplinary Practice
    • Photography, Video and Imaging
  • Please provide a Resume/Curriculum Vitae
  • Please attach a Portfolio of 20 Images (largest file size for each image is 2 MB) with the title, medium, dimensions and date. If you are submitting video, please submit a still for the image and provide us with a link to a website like YouTube, Vimeo before the title, medium, dimensions and date of your video.
  • Transcripts from all previous colleges and universities attended. For initial evaluation purposes, you may attach scans of official or unofficial transcripts.
  • The names and contact information for 3 references who will be submitting a Letter of Recommendation on your behalf.  All Letters of Recommendation must be received by the application deadline and at least 2 Letter of Recommendation forms must be from academic sources. The preferred method to receive letters of recommendation is through the web-based Graduate Admissions Application. If, however, this is not possible, letters can be sent to:
    • Graduate Program
      School of Art
      University of Arizona
      P.O. Box 210002
      Tucson, AZ 85721

The Graduate College requires additional materials for International Applicants (Proof of Financial Resources, Health Insurance, and proof of English proficiency for students whose native language is not English). Please refer to the Graduate College website for details.

If you have specific questions, please contact

Once your application has been submitted, you may check the status of your application at anytime by logging in to the Graduate Admissions Application. You will be notified via email as soon as a decision has been reached.

View the Programs of Study page to explore the degree programs offered at the University of Arizona.


DOCTORATE | Art History and Education


Spring – September 15
Fall – January 10

All submitted applications will be considered after the application deadline has passed. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed and will be automatically denied. Paper applications will not be accepted, please submit all materials via the Graduate Admissions Application.


Art History Track
Applicants must have a minimum 3.0 grade point average. Applicants should have a recognized Master degree in Art History. If your degree is in another area, please contact the Art History Graduate Advisor to discuss your application.

Applicants with an M.A. outside Art History may be admitted to the program, but they will be required to take one of the methodologies courses (511a or 511b) and three graduate level courses in Art History (a total of 12 units) that will not count as coursework for the Ph.D. degree.

Applicants currently enrolled in an M.A. program should include in their statement of purpose their M.A. thesis proposal and a statement that they expect to have completed the Master degree by August of the academic year in which they would begin the Ph.D. program. The letter of recommendation from the M.A. advisor should also make reference to the expected date of completion of the M.A.

Art and Visual Culture Education Track
Applicants must have a minimum 3.0 grade point average. Applicants must also hold a recognized Master degree in Art Education, Studio Art, Art History, or Education. If your degree is in another area, please contact an Art and Visual Culture Education faculty member to discuss your application.

Current University of Arizona AVCE M.A. students are expected to meet the same admission criteria and requirements, and should be aware that admission to the doctoral program is highly competitive. Current University of Arizona M.A. students may use a maximum of two letters from their M.A. application and should solicit a third from someone with whom they have worked during their M.A. program who is external to the AVCE faculty.


Through the Graduate Admissions Application you will have the ability to upload various requirements for consideration by the admission committee. All students interested in the Art History & Education PhD must apply to either the Art and Visual Culture Education or the Art History track applications. For this application you will be asked to submit the following:

  • Please provide a Statement of Purpose
  • Please combine the following items into a single document (maximum file size: 5 MB) in the order shown below:
    • Resume/Curriculum Vitae
    • Writing or Research Sample
  • Transcripts from all previous colleges and universities attended. For initial evaluation purposes, you may attach scans of official or unofficial transcripts.
  • The names and contact information for 3 referees who will be submitting Letters of Recommendation on your behalf. All letters of recommendation must be received by the application deadline and must be from faculty members that can speak about your academic and research ability and potential for graduate studies. The preferred method to receive letters of recommendation is through the web-based Graduate Admissions Application. If, however, this is not possible, letters can be sent to:
    • Graduate Program
      School of Art
      University of Arizona
      P.O. Box 210002
      Tucson, AZ 85721

The Graduate College requires additional materials for International Applicants (Proof of Financial Resources, Health Insurance, and proof of English proficiency for students whose native language is not English). Please refer to the Graduate College website for details.

If you have specific questions, please contact

Once your application has been submitted, you may check the status of your application at any time by logging in to the Graduate Admissions Application. You will be notified via email as soon as a decision has been reached.

View the Programs of Study page to explore the degree programs offered at the University of Arizona.




Applications are reviewed on a continuous basis.

Your application will be considered once you have submitted all required documentation. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed and will be automatically denied. Paper applications will not be accepted, please submit all materials via the Graduate Admissions Application.


Applicants must have a minimum 3.0 grade point average, and a recognized Bachelor’s degree.


Please schedule an interview with the Museum Studies Certificate advisors, Dr. Irene Romano (, and Dr. Carissa DiCindio (

After the interview process, you will then complete the brief Graduate Admissions Application where you will be asked to submit the following:

  • Please submit a Statement of Purpose.
  • The names and contact information for 2 referees who will be submitting Letters of Recommendation on your behalf. At least 1 letter must be from a faculty member that can speak about your academic and research ability and potential for graduate studies. The preferred method to receive letters of recommendation is through the web-based Graduate Admissions Application. If, however, this is not possible, letters can be sent to:Graduate Program
    School of Art
    University of Arizona
    P.O. Box 210002
    Tucson, AZ 85721

If you have specific questions, please contact

Once your application has been submitted, you may check the status of your application at anytime by logging in to the Graduate Admissions Application. You will be notified via email as soon as a decision has been reached.

View the Programs of Study page to explore the degree programs offered at the University of Arizona.


Floral Arrangement

Floral Arrangement

Janessa Southerland
I fell down some stairs

I fell down some stairs

Lyle Emmerson Jr.
Half Off Special

Half Off Special

Wilbur Dallas Fremont
What Do You See?

What Do You See?

Utvista Galiante
Tailgate Party

Tailgate Party

Roger Masterson