Stacie G. Widdifield, PhD; MS
Professor, Applied Intercultural Arts Research - GIDP
PhD - UCLA (Art History)
MS - University of Arizona (Educational Technology)
Affiliated Faculty, Latin American Studies
Teaching: Modern Mexico (19th - 21st c.) and 18thc New Spain. Issues: history, space, mobility and conflict; gender, race, and class; national culture/history.
Research: visual culture of modern water in Mexico City: environment & landscape/ paintings, prints, photographs/ infrastructure and its documentation. Museum history: collecting, amateurs/professionals.
2014-2016: Visual Culture of Modern Water in Mexico City; Co-PI with Dr. Jeffrey M. Banister (UA School of Geography and Development Director of Southwest Center). ACLS (American Council of Learned Societies) funded research for a suite of articles focusing on infrastructure and photo/print documentation of the 20th century Xochimilco and Lerma potable water systems .
Diego Rivera's Zapata,1932, lithograph. Collection of the University of Arizona Museum of Art; Wikipedia entry developed by students in my Topics Class on Digital Art History, Spring 2015.